This year, Curren dressed up as a lion. Although she initially rejected her costume and protested wearing it, she eventually warmed up to it and became a cute, cuddly and furrrrocious lion cub. Enjoy the pictures!
I don't like this!
Hey, I'm Simba!
With Mommy, at her work's Halloween party. She dressed up like Mia Farrow in "Rosemary's Baby". You can't see her belly right here, but she sported a nice baby bump!
Halloween cookie!
Happy Halloween Everyone!!
What an adorable furrrious Simba. I'd squeeze her hard if I could.
Also, a great birthday present. We could all use one of those ANYTIME!!
Greg, aki...Alastair from England here. sorry to write on your blog but can't figure out how to get in touch with you!! tried your gsm email but on the off chance you get this i am in san diego visiting friends from this sunday (9th November - sunday 16th november). if you get this in time you can text me on 00447859031366 or it's almelton@gmail.com. fingers crossed we meet up!! cheers, al
Greg, Aki....guess what! managed to leave the wrong email address LOL! it's almelton1@gmail.com. on the very, very off chance that you're reading this on the 16th then give me a shout - i will check this email tonight and see if you've been in touch...if not no worries i've had a brilliant time here and can't wait to return so there's always a next time! Alastair
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