Can you believe it?? Curren is now 6 months old!! Oh how time flies when you're having fun and not sleeping! (Oh wait, that's just us...)
She had her appointment with Dr. Park yesterday and here are the stats:
Weight: 16 lbs 1 oz (50%)
Height: 24.5 inches (10%, down from 25% at 4 months)
Head: 75th percentile
Judging from these stats, we're happy to gather that she is a big-headed, short, little chunk...still. She took her third round of shots like a champ. She also got the flu shot, and ran a fever. So she is at home with Mommy today.
Other developments:
- Crawling: started on 8/24
- Pulling up to a stand: did this in her crib on 9/28, 2 days after she turned 6 months
- Cruising: she can walk from one end of the crib to the other by holding onto the rails
- Sleep: still wakes up pretty regularly. Dr. Park says that she will continue to do so as long as she's still in our room. We are kicking her out asap. The nursury is being prepped as we speak...
- Continuing to expand her repertoire of solid foods. Loves peas, carrots, applesauce, and prunes...???
- Mimicking: she mimicked Greg, who was sticking his tongue out. This just happened yesterday.
Greg's work has finally slowed down, so he will be putting together some video that we've been collecting on our new video camera (compliments of Greg's bro, Scott. Thanks man!!)
In the meantime, here are some new pictures on shutterfly.