Curren's 4 months old!!
Sorry for the lag in new postings. Here's some new pictures of Curren, from June & July .
New Things...
1.) Rolling over! She's done it a few times, both front to back and back to front.
2.) Giggles - she makes the cutest giggle noises! She likes peek-a-boo.
3.) Eating the hand, both her's and mommy and daddy's. She's teething already.
4.) Sitting up - she can do it for about 5 seconds before she falls over.
5.) Still hates the bottle, but dealing with it with reluctance...
4 month check up stats:
Weight: 14 lbs (50th percentile)
Height: 23 inches (25th, up from the 10th at 2 months!!)
Coming soon (but hopefully not too soon) ...
Eating solid foods, crawling, standing, walking, talking, driving, going to college...